Lex program
%{#include <stdio.h>
#include "y.tab.h"
number [0-9]+
flot [0-9]*"."[0-9]+
identifier [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
errr [0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]*
{number} { return number; }
{flot} { return number; }
{identifier} { return identifier; }
{errr} { return err; }
[ \t]+
\n { return(0); }
. { return (int) yytext[0];}
Yacc program
%{#include <stdio.h>
int f=0;
%token number identifier err
input: /* empty string */
| input exp
|error {f=1;}
exp: number
| exp '+' exp
| exp '-' exp
| exp '*' exp
| exp '/' exp
| '-' exp
| exp '^' exp
| '(' exp ')'
int main()
printf("\nEnter an arithmetic expression:\n\n");
printf("Valid Expression \n");
printf("Invalid Expression\n");
return 0;
int yywrap()
return 1;
int yyerror(char *mes) {printf("%s\n", mes);}
input: /* empty string */
ReplyDelete| input exp
|error {f=1;}
wat is it doing?
Its a left recursion which specifies that our input may contain zero(0) or more number of expressions ie.(exp) and when there is error set flag=1.